Early Christianity
Christianity is in a direct sense an offshoot of Judaism, because
Jesus and his immediate followers were Jews living in Palestine and Jesus was
believed by his followers to have fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies of the
Messiah. Following a trend of proselytization in the Judaism of that period
Christianity was from its beginnings expansionist. Its early missionaries (the
most notable of whom was St. Paul, who was also responsible for the formulation
of elements of Christian doctrine) spread its teachings in Asia Minor,
Alexandria, Greece, and Rome. Missions have remained a major element in
Christianity to the present day.
For the first three centuries of Christianity, history is
dependent on apologetic and religious writings; there are no chronicles.
Historians differ greatly on how far back the 4th-century picture of the church
(which is quite clear) can be projected, especially respecting organization by
bishops (each bishop a monarch in the church of his city), celebration of a liturgy
entailing a sacrament and a sacrifice, and claims by the bishop of Rome to be
head of all the churches. There is evidence for these features in the 2d century.
A first problem for
Christians was how to resist attempts to interpret the new beliefs in pagan
terms (e.g. Gnosticism). The earliest sectarian deviations were those of
Marcion and of Montanus (2d cent.). They were handled resolutely by the church;
the teachers of novelty were expelled (excommunicated).
For 250 years it was a martyrs' church; the persecutions were fuelled
by the refusal of Christians to worship the state and the Roman emperor. There
were persecutions under Nero, Domitian, Trajan and the other Antonines,
Maximin, Decius, Valerian, and Diocletian and Galerius; Decius ordered the
first official persecution in 250. In 313, Constantine I and Licinius announced
toleration of Christianity in the Edict of Milan. In the East the church passed
from persecution directly to imperial control (caesaropapism), inaugurated by Constantine , enshrined
later in Justinian's laws, and always a problem for the Orthodox churches. In
the West the church remained independent because of the weakness of the emperor
and the well-established authority of the bishop of Rome .
Controversy and Growth
For 300 years after A.D. 275 the church in the East was occupied
with doctrinal controversies—Arianism, Nestorianism, Monophysitism, and
Monotheletism. These arguments concerned the manner in which Jesus is both
divine and human. Decisions were made at a series of general councils of
bishops. The Council of Nicea composed the Nicene Creed. These centuries saw a
series of Christian writers of unequaled influence (the Fathers of the Church):
Origen, St. Athanasius, St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Gregory
Nazianzen, St. John Chrysostom, and Theodoret writing in Greek; St. Ambrose,
St. Jerome, and St. Augustine writing in Latin. Origen and St. Jerome had a special role in the church's
work of determining and preserving the text of the Bible.
From the 3d cent. monasticism was one element of the church. It
was first organized by St. Basil. In the West monasticism was central to the
missionary work of St. Martin (Gaul , 4th cent.) and St. Patrick (Ireland , 5th
cent.). It received definitive shape from St. Benedict and St. Gregory the
Great, who thereby generated a mode of life of continuing vitality in the Roman
Catholic Church.
German invasions slowed the conversion of Western
Europe (e.g., that of England was recommenced in the 6th
cent.). Most of the first invaders were converted to Arian Christianity, but
the pagan Franks (with Clovis )
adopted orthodox Christianity, a fact that probably helped to consolidate their
rule. Out of this kingdom came Pepin and Charlemagne, who, by alliance with the
papacy and proclamation of an empire (800), charted an ideal of the Middle
Schism between East and West
In the 7th and 8th cent. the Eastern Church lost to Islam all Asia except Asia Minor .
Alienation from the West was exacerbated by the bitter struggle over iconoclasm;
ecclesiastical animosity between Rome and Constantinople came to a head in the
schism of the 9th cent. This schism centered on the addition of the Filioque
to the Nicene Creed in the West and on the Western church's use of unleavened
bread in the celebration of the mass and insistence on clerical celibacy.
The division between East and West grew wider and attained a sort
of legal permanence in 1054. Eastern and Western Christendom were already, in
the 9th cent. two different cultures; their one common tie was the Christian
doctrine—even worship and practices were very different. From this time it is
customary to distinguish Christian history in its Eastern and Western streams
as that of the Orthodox Eastern Church and Roman Catholic Church.
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