What is Religion?
Religion gives a person identity and relationship.
Religion deals with answers to identity-forming
Selfhood - "Who am I?" "Where did I come from?"
Meaning - "Why am I?" "Where will I go when I die?"
Purpose - "What do I do?" "What is the purpose of life?"
These deep searching identity questions are a pervasive part of human
experience and thought by some to be the source of the world's great religions.
Religions answer these questions for people in psychological satisfying
multidimensional ways.
Religion is relationship guiding or defining
How do we relate to the Other? Religions give people understandable paradigms
that guide our behaviour in relationships towards others.
The Other can be many things:
· God or the ultimate
· nature
· other human beings
· other cultures
· death, suffering, change
· rites of passage
Religion Defined
1. Religion is human involvement with what is considered to be the realm of the
sacred space, sacred time, numinous experience, mystical experience.
2. It is expressed in thought (theoretical thinking and speaking ), action (practical, acting
and doing), and social forms (fellowship, community).
THEORETICAL: narrative stories and theoretical
statements about reality in doctrines.
PRACTICAL: rituals, worships and ethics.
SOCIAL FORMS: Religious community carries on the tradition in groups that give
the believer identity.
3. It constitutes a total system of symbols with
deep meaning.
The religious map of human existence is made up of symbols= words, ideas,
rituals, pictures, gestures, sounds, social groupings - that evoke the deepest
feelings and most important meaning in our lives.
The various symbols fit together in a circle, for they are all related to each
other in such a way as to present a comprehensive and persuasive outlook on
4. It is a path of ultimate transformation.
The path is a way of life, a praxis designed to restore wholeness and ultimate
meaning to human existence by involvement with the source of life, the sacred.
Dualism posits a cosmos or universe in which the Creator, God, is separate and
distinct from the creation. The in-world experience is a threat or stumbling
block to real experience - be it in Heaven or some other transcendent realm -
will thrust believers into a pattern of using force to remake that world.
Humans are inherently sinful, fallen
from the source of all being, God. Their natural desires and instincts are not
to be trusted. The world is merely a testing chamber where, according to
behaviour, a person is deemed fit or unfit for entrance into the realm of true
reality, Heaven. The world is also the domain of an evil being, Satan, who may
use the pleasures and joys of this world to tempt humans and trick them into a
bond with worldly delights that will ultimately result in eternal punishment.
God made man in His image, over and
above other parts of the creation, and man was called upon to have dominion
over nature, to control nature. To use the land meant to live by a utilitarian
standard. Simple survival was not using the land. A human being was called upon
to force nature to bring forth excess. Your skill in manipulating nature and
accumulating wealth was a sign that you were chosen.
Planet Earth is reduced to just a
convenient battleground or stage for this divine conflict, there is not much of
an impulse to respect or preserve Mother Earth's treasures.
Negative: drive to build a divine
kingdom worthy of the Creator on earth
Sacred power was diffused throughout the natural world.
The passing of the seasons demands rituals in honour of the divine beings who
personify Sun, Moon, Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall. Earth, fire and water
need to be ritually recognized, as do the four quadrants of space and time.
You don't petition these powerful
spirits; you enter into balance of harmony with them through the dimension of
myth and ritual.
Animals may be sacrificed to assure
that the group, tribe or clan is ritually pure. A portion of the harvest could
be set aside in honour of the spirits of fertility.
Statues of totem animals. - bear, lion,
eagle - could protect the home from marauding demons. In the world of primal
religion, everything is alive; everything has power.
· God is everything
· God is the reality or principle behind nature
· Only god is reality, all else is illusion
All varieties see all reality as ONE, whole, not divided into sacred realm and
a profane or human or natural realm.
God is the ground of being and is the enlivening, creative, spark behind all
that exists.
The only divine charge for human beings
is to live in a harmonious relationship with the land, the plants, the animals
and other human beings.
The magic of life is knowing that the
divine is immanent in the Earth which, indeed, is our mother.
Negative: relieved believers of the
need to create, to do, to accomplish
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